Supplements with Similar Uses as: Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Below is a list of conditions that are treated by this supplement and the other supplements that may be used to treat it.

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Supplements with Similar Side EffectsView List by Side Effect
Supplements with Similar UsesView List by Use
Supplements with Similar WarningsView List by Warning
Uses of this SupplementAllergic rhinitisAlzheimer diseaseAsthmaAtherosclerosisBreast cancerBurnsCataractsCervical dysplasiaCommon cold DiabetesEczema Gallbladder diseaseGlaucomaHypercholesterolemiaHigh blood pressureMacular degenerationMyocardial infarctionObesityOsteoarthritisPancreatitisParkinson diseasePhotodermatitisSkin cancerStrokeUveitisWounds
Drugs that Deplete this SubstanceView List
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